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托管服务提供商 (MSP) 和托管安全服务提供商 (MSSP) 的运营环境竞争非常激烈。要想吸引新客户并留住现有客户,MSP 和 MSSP 必须能够提供从竞争对手中脱颖而出的产品和服务。在人满为患的产业中,这一目标可能很难实现。

在尝试从竞争中脱颖而出时,MSP 和 MSSP 要保证能够履行自己的承诺。如果每个解决方案必须单独部署、设置、监控和管理,那么通过部署一系列单点解决方案,为供应商的供应项目快速添加新功能的方法很快就会失去可扩展性。

MSP 和 MSSP 可以采用另一种方法:在坚实可靠的集成基础上构建产品和服务。安全的软件定义广域网 (SD-WAN) 将网络和安全功能集成到单一设备中,从而减少安全蔓延。它还为 MSP 和 MSSP 奠定了基础,使其能够以最小的额外开销提供增值服务。

什么是托管 SD-WAN?

随着企业级 SD-WAN 需求的增加,越来越多的组织不再购买和运作自己的 SD-WAN 设备,而是转向使用托管 SD-WAN 服务。托管 SD-WAN 服务提供商承担 SD-WAN 设备的资本支出,在客户场所部署 SD-WAN,或交付云托管的 SD-WAN。托管 SD-WAN 服务提供商通过专业知识增加价值,企业为此努力留住专业人才,持续投资最新的 SD-WAN 技术来造福客户,并详细了解 SD-WAN 解决方案如何与其他供应商集成,尤其是云基础架构供应商。



对于托管服务提供商 (MSP) 和托管安全服务提供商 (MSSP) 来说,引导新客户和推广新客户网站需要一笔不小的费用。随着新客户的增加,以及所支持企业的不断增长,MSP 和 MSSP 需要能够轻松部署到新客户环境中、并能与客户现有基础架构集成的解决方案

Fortinet Secure SD-WAN 为将服务部署到新客户位置的 MSP 或 MSSP 提供了基础。集成式下一代防火墙 (NGFW) 和入侵防护系统 (IPS) 可提供威胁防护和流量检测功能,即使是 SSL 或 TLS 加密流量也能检测。与 Fortinet Secure SD-Branch 集成,可将集中可视性和网络管理扩展至交换层。

Fortinet 是业内最大的网络安全生态系统的成员,拥有超过 250 个 Security Fabric 生态系统合作伙伴。通过 Fortinet Security Fabric,Fortinet Secure SD-WAN 和其他 Fortinet 解决方案只需点击即可立即与所有这些供应商的产品集成。Fortinet 开放安全生态系统包括:

  • 12 个 Fabric Connector,提供与第三方供应商产品的深度集成
  • 超过 135 个 Fabric 应用程序开发接口 (API),支持将第三方供应商产品与 Fortinet 解决方案进行端到端集成
  • 活跃的 DevOps 社区,协助开发客制化解决方案
  • 与超过 130 家威胁情报共享机构创建了 Extended Security Fabric 生态系统伙伴关系,并与其他供应商产品集成
Security Fabric Orchestration Connector 为整个 Fortinet Security Fabric 提供了安全集成和简化管理,减少 MSP 和 MSSP 的运营支出 (OpEx)。 Fortinet Security Fabric 提供与所有主要公共云的即时连接功能,可实现跨多云环境的安全集成。这使得 MSP 和 MSSP 能够为客户的数字创新计划提供支持,同时将额外开销降至最低。 Fortinet 解决方案提供 REST API,可零接触部署到用户端位置。如此可将部署至新客户或新地点所需的时间和支出降至最低。 Fortinet 开发人员网络是一个由 Fortinet 管理员和开发人员组成的社区,他们提供代码共享和文档,并通过论坛回答有关 Fortinet 解决方案设置和使用的问题。 FortiGate NGFW 利用专用安全处理器帮助 MSP 和 MSSP 提供顶级保护,以及对纯文本和加密流量的高性能检测。有多种外形规格可供选择。 内置 IPS 包含多重检测引擎、威胁情报摘要以及高端防护选项。这使 MSP 和 MSSP 能够最大限度地减少与客户环境威胁侦测和回应相关的运营支出 (OpEx)。 通过集成单点产品,服务提供商能够利用安全协调、自动化和回应 (SOAR) 功能,从而能够以最低的额外开销和运营支出 (OpEx) 满足服务层级协议 (SLA)。 FortiAnalyzer 提供分析驱动的网络安全和日志管理,使服务提供商能够更快速地侦测和修复客户环境中的问题。 通过集成单点产品,服务提供商能够利用安全协调、自动化和回应 (SOAR) 功能,从而能够以最低的额外开销和运营支出 (OpEx) 满足服务层级协议 (SLA)。 集成式应用程序控制会基于自动应用程序侦测,将应用程序专用准则套用至网络流量。这使 MSP 和 MSSP 能够通过为高优先级流量提供优化路由,更轻松地满足服务层级协议 (SLA)。
业务敏捷性 协调连接器 公用云连接器 REST API 开发人员网络 NGFW IPS 协调 分析 自动化 应用程序感知

安全混合 WAN

传统的 WAN 安全解决方案将安全性作为网络的首要考量因素,通过一系列独立设备来实现安全性。这种 WAN 安全方法会损害可视性并造成孤岛现象,因为企业安全部署中的单点产品之间可能无法通信。这会降低托管服务提供商 (MSP) 和托管安全服务提供商 (MSSP) 有效管理其客户网络的能力,并提高他们的运营成本和开销。最后,使用独立的单点产品会让企业受困于其支持的传输媒介之中。

Fortinet Secure SD-WAN 将网络和安全功能集成到单个设备中,无需部署一系列单点安全产品。这使 MSP 和 MSSP 能够为客户的广域网 (WAN) 提供一致的企业级安全性,并显著降低总体拥有成本 (TCO)。

使用 Secure SD-WAN,MSP 和 MSSP 还可以通过安全混合 WAN 为其客户提供传输独立性。混合 WAN 允许通过多种传输模式路由流量,这使得它们能够减少对昂贵的多协定标签交换 (MPLS) 带宽的依赖。

Secure SD-WAN 也可以为云应用程序提供直达互联网的安全连接,因为流量检测现在是在网络边缘进行的。随着客户逐渐迁移至云,从用户端环境中的任何位置为云流量提供直接路由的能力,成为一项重要竞争优势。

作为 Fortinet SecurityFabric 的一部分,Fortinet Secure SD-WAN 能够与各种 Fortinet 解决方案及第三方供应商的解决方案进行即时集成。MSP 和 MSSP 可以为其客户提供托管 Secure SD-WAN 服务,作为各种其他网络和安全服务的基础,例如:

  • 托管 SD 分支
  • 托管应用程序 SLA
  • 云托管接入
  • 托管 IoT 安全

MSSP 和 MSSP 可利用 Fortinet Secure SD-WAN 提供以下功能:

  • MPLS 网络的替代方案
  • 能够与 Fortinet 解决方案以及超过 250 个第三方解决方案即时集成
  • 通过单一管理接口为客户环境提供可视性
  • FortiPortal 使 MSP 和 MSSP 能够为客户提供有限的管理控制。这使他们能够直接控制最终用户自订,并访问 FortiManagerFortiAnalyzer 的内置报告功能。
  • 可自动识别超过 5,000 种应用程序流量
  • 直达互联网的优化云流量路由
  • 安全性和网络功能集成到单一设备中
FortiExtender 为主要和次要/备用 WAN 连接提供无线和蜂窝网络的 LTE 连接,适用于分支机构、零售弹出式商店、销售点 (POS) 系统等地点。 FortiGate NGFW 利用专用安全处理器帮助 MSP 和 MSSP 提供顶级保护,以及对纯文本和加密流量的高性能检测。有多种外形规格可供选择。 Fortinet Secure SD-WAN 使 MSP 和 MSSP 能够提供新一代防火墙 (NGFW) 防护、高端路由和 WAN 优化功能,为客户环境提供高性能和安全性。 FortiPortal 使 MSP 和 MSSP 能够为客户提供有限的管理控制。这使他们能够直接控制最终用户自订,并访问 FortiManager 和 FortiAnalyzer 内置的报告功能。 通过集成 URL 筛选功能,服务提供商能够识别并阻止从客户网络到恶意或可疑网域的连接。 内置 IPS 包含多个检测引擎、威胁情报摘要和高端保护选项。这使 MSP 和 MSSP 能够最大限度地减少与客户环境威胁侦测和回应相关的运营支出 (OpEx)。 内置杀毒解决方案可根据 FortiGuard Labs 提供的威胁情报识别和阻止尝试入侵的恶意软件,使得 MSP 和 MSSP 能够更轻松、更高效地满足服务层级协议 (SLA),以保护客户网络。 集成式应用程序控制会基于自动应用程序侦测,将应用程序专用准则套用至网络流量。这使 MSP 和 MSSP 能够通过为高优先级流量提供优化路由,更轻松地满足服务层级协议 (SLA)。
安全混合 WAN 蜂窝扩展器 NGFW SD-WAN FortiPortal 网址筛选 入侵防御 反病毒 应用程序控制


企业广域网正在日益扩展,纳入了云软件即服务 (SaaS) 和基础架构即服务 (IaaS) 资源。来自分支机构的流量需要通过总部网络路由发送,以便进行安全扫描和原则运行,这样会降低网络性能、增加延迟,并造成企业 WAN 拥塞。以提升云连接能力作为卖点的托管服务提供商 (MSP) 和托管安全服务提供商 (MSSP) 有明显的竞争优势。

Fortinet Secure SD-WAN 为云流量实现直达互联网的安全连接,这对客户逐渐过渡到使用 IaaS 和 SaaS 产品至关重要。内置 FortiGate 下一代防火墙 (NGFW) 提供第 3 层至第 7 层保护,并通过业界首款 SD-WAN 应用程序专用集成电路 (ASIC) 芯片提供了高性能保证。作为 Fortinet SecurityFabric 的一部分,FortiGate NGFW 可以为 MSP 和 MSSP 提供集中可视性和管理,从而提高运营效率并简化客户 WAN 的管理工作。

服务提供商还可以提供与 Fortinet Security Fabric 集成的云原生安全保护。FortiCASBFortiCWP 可在云环境中实现自动化安全和合规管理。FortiWeb Web 应用防火墙以虚拟机 (VM)、实体设备或 SaaS 产品的形式提供,能够为客户的云网页、支付门户网站和应用程序开发接口 (API) 提供保护。FortiGate NGFW 以云原生 IaaS(及其他)形式提供,可在任何部署环境中实现云原生保护。

随着客户迁移到云,MSP 和 MSSP 必须能够提供以云为主的安全支持,例如 Fortinet 解决方案提供的安全防护:

  • 可自动识别超过 5,000 种应用程序流量
  • 中间一英里和最后一英里流量优化
  • 与所有主要云服务供应商 (CSP) 原生集成
  • 为所有分支机构和云部署提供集中可视性和管理
  • 通过自动数据收集和现成报告范本,简化合规性管理
使用 Fortinet Secure SD-WAN,服务提供商能够为客户环境中的软件即服务 (SaaS) 应用程序提供直达互联网的安全连接。 FortiCASB 协助 MSP 和 MSSP 为其客户提供云服务的可视性、合规性、数据安全和威胁防护。
云级别分支 SD-WAN FortiCASB


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Key Requirements for Managed SD-WAN

high performance

Operational Efficiency

MSPs and MSSPs require solutions that allow them to operate more efficiently. SD WAN Solutions should provide a rapid time to revenue by requiring minimal configuration and deployment time on provider or customer networks. They should also offer high margins and scale easily to larger customer bases.

value added

Value-added Services

MSPs and MSSPs seek solutions that allow them to offer value-added services to their customers. Deploying managed SD-WAN services to customer networks allows them to offer additional products such as managed SD-Branch and IoT security services. Secure SD-WAN can also favorably compete with pure SD-WAN solutions since they also offer integrated security and analytics functionality.


Time to Capability

MSPs and MSSPs seek offerings that they can quickly deploy to their customers after purchase. This includes both current customers, where new functionality can be added or enabled in an existing deployment, and new customers that require onboarding and solution deployment before services can be provided.




Flexible Business Model

MSPs and MSSPs have customers with widely differing needs. They require the capability to offer pay-as-you-grow models for their products and services, allowing them to scale their offerings and prices to a customer’s unique situation.

For undistributed federal networks, FortiGate NGFWs provide scalable, comprehensive protection with the industry’s best performance.

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The Fortinet Security Fabric enables intelligent segmentation of classified and top-secret data and layers of control to keep it in the right hands.

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Real-time, robust threat intelligence and unknown threat detection are critical for federal networks under assault by nation-states. Fortinet provides both comprehensive intelligence and AI-powered threat detection.

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To provide full visibility into some of the world’s largest networks, Fortinet management and analytics tools provide centralized control, visibility, and reporting.
Managed SD-WAN for Service Provider Business Agility Secure Hybrid WAN Cloud-scale Branch SD-WAN/SD-Branch
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Fortinet Differentiators for Managed SD-WAN



The Fortinet Security Fabric, with out-of-the-box integration with over 250 third-party vendor products, enables single-pane-of-glass visibility and configuration management and real-time threat-intelligence sharing across a service provider’s entire network environment. With Secure SD-WAN Solutions, this enables MSPs and MSSPs to manage their customers’ entire network infrastructure from a single pane of glass. This also allows MSPs and MSSPs to improve efficiency, decrease total cost of ownership (TCO), and reduce their clients’ cybersecurity risk. FortiGate next-generation firewalls (NGFWs) also support numerous administrative domains (ADOMs) and virtual domains (VDOMs), providing management flexibility and supporting role-based access control (RBAC).



Secure SD-WAN enables MSPs and MSSPs to centralize visibility and management of their customers’ entire WAN. The Fortinet Security Fabric takes this a step further by enabling out-of-the-box integration with over 250 third-party vendor products through 12 Fabric Connectors, over 135 third-party application programming interfaces (APIs), 9 Fabric DevOps scripts, over 130 Extended Security Fabric Ecosystem partnerships, and an open-API architecture.

This integration enables MSPs and MSSPs to automate threat prevention, detection, and response, minimizing the overhead associated with securing customer environments. Centralized security management also enables MSPs and MSSPs to efficiently establish and enforce policies that comply with security standards. This, in turn, facilitates the automatic generation of reports for customers that demonstrate compliance for regulators and provide important security insights for the C-suite and the board.

threat intelligent

Proactive, AI-driven Threat Intelligence

Fortinet Secure SD-WAN links a customer’s entire security architecture via the Fortinet Security Fabric. The Security Fabric orchestrates threat intelligence across and between each of the organization’s security elements in real time. FortiGuard Labs leverages artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) capabilities to pinpoint known and unknown threats and communicate actionable intelligence across the Security Fabric. Threat intelligence is enhanced through partnerships with over 30 threat-sharing organizations and integration with over 100 other vendor products. With the Fortinet Security Fabric, this threat intelligence is communicated to all SD-WAN appliances in a customer’s WAN, ensuring enterprise-wide threat detection and prevention.

high performance

High Performance

FortiGate NGFWs, with corroborated performance testing by NSS Labs, offer the industry’s lowest latency, which is an important feature for MSPs’ and MSSPs’ customers. The highly efficient custom FortiGate application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC), as well as the world’s first SD-WAN ASIC, enables Fortinet to provide high-performance security at the WAN edge and throughout the network. Moreover, turning on advanced features such as secure sockets layer/transport layer security (SSL/TLS) encryption inspection does not impact network performance in speed or throughput, unlike competitive solutions.

This is crucial for MSPs and MSSPs, whose customers expect security to not impact network performance and who require solutions that minimize capital expenditures (CapEx) and operational expenditures (OpEx). Fortinet is named a Leader in the Gartner Magic Quadrant for Network Firewalls and a Leader in the Gartner Magic Quadrant for WAN Edge Infrastructure.  Fortinet has won 2019 MEF 3.0 Proof of Concept Awards for Security Assurance in SD-WAN and Cloud Service Implementation, and is the only vendor to have NSS Labs Recommended status for nine different security products.

simplified operation

Simplified Operations

With FortiManager, Fortinet solutions can be easily deployed and centrally managed, allowing MSPs and MSSPs to easily roll out security infrastructure to new customers. FortiManager and FortiAnalyzer also allow MSPs and MSSPs to integrate and automate their client’s security deployment via the Fortinet Security Fabric, enabling analytics and compliance reporting through FortiAnalyzer. This integration also allows MSPs and MSSPs to break down silos that isolate security operations center (SOC) and network operations center (NOC) operations, enabling improved global visibility and more efficient operations. By deploying Fortinet Secure SD-Branch, centralized visibility and management is expanded to cover everything from the internet to the switching infrastructure in customer locations, simplifying security monitoring and management for MSPs and MSSPs.

zero touch deployment

Zero-touch Deployment

Fortinet devices are capable of touchless onboarding and provisioning with the ability to preconfigure deployment settings before sending devices to customer locations. Fortinet devices also allow a single key for supported devices on bulk orders and expose a JavaScript object notation/extensible markup language (JSON/XML) API for device customization. This enables automated or programmatic deployment of Fortinet devices, enabling MSPs and MSSPs to eliminate truck rolls and achieve faster onboarding of new customers.


Flexible Consumption Models

Multiple pricing and product consumption options offer MSPs and MSSPs and their customers the flexibility needed to optimally secure their data, infrastructure, and applications. This enables MSPs and MSSPs to scope their customers’ SD-WAN deployment, and the value-added services that it supports, to meet their customers’ specific needs.


Multitenant by Design

Fortinet solutions are designed to be multitenant from the ground up, enabling MSPs and MSSPs to isolate but still manage multiple customer networks from a single console. This enables MSPs and MSSPs to take advantage of cost savings by offering customers networking over shared, but isolated, SD-WAN infrastructure—increasing average revenue per user (ARPU) while improving operational efficiencies.

professional development

Professional Development

Fortinet offers a range of training opportunities to help MSPs and MSSPs better attract and serve customers and to differentiate their services and grow their business. Opportunities include seller training, technical training, and advanced training. This helps MSPs and MSSPs to learn how to optimize their SD-WAN deployment and efficiently deploy value-added services to their customers.

join marketing

Joint Solution Marketing Model

The Fortinet Joint Solution Marketing Model provides MSPs and MSSPs with numerous opportunities to improve and grow their business. These include a partner-focused marketing team, support for developing messaging, blogs, case studies, and selective support for partner campaigns. This helps MSPs and MSSPS to maximize the impact of their marketing regarding SD-WAN offerings and the additional value-added services that it enables.

Solution Brief

Managed Secure SD-WAN News